Ashley S. Pickard, LMFT

Compassionate, Trauma-Informed therapy

why therapy with me?

Throughout my years of working with different populations, I have discovered a passion for working with those who want to do deep inner work, unearthing material that is sometimes painful or messy. I specialize in working with individuals who are looking to do deep inner work and who have been to traditional therapy before, but have struggled to really heal. For those clients have talked it all out before, but continue to suffer, I offer an alternative approach. Many of the individuals whom I have had the privilege to walk with on their healing journey were facing things like depression, anxiety, life transitions, chronic pain, parenting difficulties & trauma. My intent is to provide a safe and non-threatening space to explore and release difficult histories. I have sincere respect for anyone deciding to start researching therapy, especially those who embark on the journey. Life is so beautiful, but at times, it can also be painful. I know this from my own experience and inner work.

I view my role as a therapist as one of sacredness and privilege. Hearing our intuition and trusting it are two different things. My hope for all my clients is to help them connect with their inner voice, listen to what it is telling them, and eventually, trust it.

Seeking professional help for support can be a daunting process. So anyone feeling called by these words, I invite you to reach out to me, see if we connect, and make an intuitive decision based on your feelings.

Click here to schedule an appointment.

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My Approach

My approach to therapy is one of authenticity and heart-centered connection. I believe that each of you who arrived here did so after much soul searching, and therefore you know more than anyone what you need. My role is to hold a sacred and safe space for your move through the somewhat painful feelings, emotions, and traumas that have yet to be unearthed. To hold you through the process of healing parts of yourself that, until now, were difficult or too painful to witness.

I use what is referred to as a somatic approach to therapy. What does this mean? Somatic therapy is body-centered and addresses the connection between the mind and body. This uses a combination of talk therapy, including EMDR, and physical therapies to heal. This means you will learn mind-body techniques to address and discharge stress that negatively impacts your emotional well-being. This approach is rooted in the belief that the mind and body are intimately connected, even if this is not obvious to us on the surface of our experience.

Somatic activation and learning to use one’s breath and other techniques to process and discharge the energy stored in the body are essential. Our bodies keep the memories of past traumas, and in therapy, I will teach you to learn to let go of these stored traumas and chronic stress through various techniques. Using your wisdom and internal strengths, I will guide you in learning how to listen to your intuition and, most importantly, to trust it. I sincerely believe that each person has an inner knowing that will guide them to the path of their most authentic, joyful, and fulfilled self. And it would be my honor to walk with you on this path as you discover this version of yourself.

My hope and intention for my clients is to increase their understanding of who they are and what they want out of this life. To help them find the confidence to prioritize themselves and make decisions that reflect their goals and desires.


Is therapy right for me?

It can be hard to know if seeking professional help is the right decision for you. To answer this question, I ask you to consider the following questions:

  • Am I finding it hard to slow down, relax or be present?

  • Am I feeling disconnected or isolating from family and friends?

  • Is my tendency to please others beginning to harm me?

  • Do I find less pleasure in things I used to enjoy?

  • Am I having trouble sleeping?

  • Do I have a difficult time aligning my behavior with my values?

  • Am I undergoing a life transition?

  • Do I feel unsure of how to navigate my relationships with others?

If you find yourself answering yes to any of these questions, you may be in a place in which you are ready for some compassionate help in addressing these things. Please click here for a free phone consultation.